
Sunday 28 February 2021

Zlatan’s Foolish Criticism of LeBron James

“He's phenomenal, but I don't like when people with a status speak about politics. Do what you're good at doing," Zlatan Ibrahimovic



It’s hard not to be shocked and surprised by these comments from Zlatan. It seems unnecessary and just plain wrong. But it above all speaks to an old school mentality that only politicians can discuss and dictate the route of society and issues of equality. This criticism has that same feeling to the FOX news criticism of James when they said “shut up and dribble”. Does Zlatan really want to be in the same place as a right wing propaganda machine who fear a young black man speaking up about the ills in society? A man exposing the racism, social inequalities and white supremacist ideologies that pervade his society? How is this wrong to speak up about?


The past few years have highlighted the glaring issues with society, with race and inequality. Over the course of the 20th century the treatment of ethnic minorities, the racism, police brutality and the recently emerging wave of populism, nationalism and xenophobia, has highlighted the issues that people of colour face on a daily basis. There has never been a greater time to discuss the importance of these key issues. But this is not just a time for politicians to speak about these factors. Athletes need to be a voice in society. 

LeBron James has been a truly inspirational figure on the basketball court. But has been a key figure in terms of fighting for justice, social equality and the issues which affects many people from backgrounds like his. What does Zlatan think should he do? Turn his back on his own people? Shut up and dribble? LeBron has a platform to make significant impact, to garner momentum for the issues plaguing many in society. Should he stay quiet on the issues of police brutality and their apparent willingness to murder innocent young black girls and boys? A person in his shoes, how can you not want to use your platform to change what is clearly a broken and damaged system? A system where the disadvantaged are not supported adequately, and where the colour of your skin determines how you are treated? 

Unlike Michael Jordan, LeBron not only succeeds on the court but excels at being a driver for social change, a voice for the voiceless. How dare someone like Zlatan criticise him for this?! Was Marcus Rashford wrong to campaign for kids to have free school meals? His government had failed these kids, neglected and voted against supporting the most vulnerable in society. Should Rashford just ‘focus on his football’ and just accept what this right wing government believed wasn't important to invest in? To not speak up and seek to make a change for the better for these young kids? Absolutely not! He stood up for what he felt was right, he took a stand, put himself out to help others, and made a significant impact. Became a hero to many. This is the role of being a role model, of being a motivation for young kids. They need these heroes, not just to inspire them on the pitch, but to help them in their lives. 

Look at the role Naomi Osaka is having on women’s tennis right now, and look at how she is using her platform to express her thoughts and frustrations with what is happening in America. 

Charity work within football clubs is a huge part of their role in the community. It is what football is truly about, giving back to the community. I would hope Zlatan has given much of his millions to his communities and disadvantaged, a statue doesn’t necessarily help them however. 

These guys are inspirations, they see they have a role greater than their sport. And they are brave to step up and discuss the issues, to give a voice. Zlatan has much to say, has had a great career, one of the best ever in his field, yet he is completely wrong and off the mark with these criticisms of LeBron. One hopes more athletes use their platform to strive for social equality.


As LeBron says “I will never shut up about things that are wrong.” 


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